Time Is Money

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

How to Become a Great Writer. English Version . Read Now If Not Want Loss !

§ How can you write well ,
§ How can you write better. and
§ How can you write better and better again and again ...

Not my intention to teach you to write . But I trust and believe , every person in the world who are interested in writing a book will always want to get the good writing and better.

They want that information received by the reader , the writing is easy to understand , wanted swift writing published , want to book a best seller if possible , would like to be a great writer and many other desires .

But the problem is not all writers get what he wants . Not all writers managed to become a great writer . Approximately what is the cause ?
The reason that we often hear is usually like this . I wanted to like this , but there is no sufficient expertise . I want to do this , but I can not it . I want to make this , but my busy life extraordinary .

Do you ever feel the same ?
But I want to say that the reason the first barrier to achieve what we want , especially when answering the question how to be a great writer , is : WE DO NOT WRITE WITH LOVE .

Let's , for a while .... you will find the most valuable pearls in this paper . Because of his rather long ... pull the breath in , hold for a while and then remove slowly ... Yep , let's read together ...

I wanted to tell the story of a great author who wrote many world -class best-selling book . He writes on a foundation of LOVE and continuous self-improvement . He is Joe Vitale who wrote many best-selling book The Key bleak , Hypnotic Writing , The Atractor Factor and many more other great books .
He talked about how he could become a great writer when he discovered the biggest key to success is called LOVE .

One moment he heard the news about a man named Doctor Hew Len could heal him crazy just to heal first.
The doctor is said to have cured a lot of great people mentally ill . Before he was assigned to a mental hospital in a region in America there . The condition of the hospital is very chaotic because it is a mental hospital where a criminal lunatic can injure anyone nearby.

And doctors Hew Len was assigned there . After reviewing and examining the patient he handled one by one . Slowly but surely many patients show signs of recovery. Patients who had been deprived , not anymore . Initially the nurses who work there are very afraid to approach their patients are now able to freely interact with them . Was so much commotion and chaos is now becoming an element of calm .

Hearing this , Joe Vitale interested in contacting the doctor Hew Len . Because of his work is piling up , he just talk over the phone . I quote piece of her conversation with the doctor Hew Len , in the book The Atractor Factor bonuses that Joe gave to me , here .

" How do you cure them ? " Asked me .
" The way to heal myself first. " Replied the doctor briefly .
I asked again , " How do you heal yourself ? "
What do the doctors , it turns out when she saw the list of mentally ill patients who are on top of his desk , he said ,
" Sorry to bother you , I love you . " He said it was constantly and continuously again .
" That's it ," I asked .
" Yes , that's it . " Hew doctor replied briefly .

Joe was very inspired by this one great person and he has embraced and believe this method . The method of healing others by healing or soothing ourselves first . He believes this advice will work . And he gives the following examples of its application .

" When I received an email that made ​​my coarse language offended , I was immediately aware of and apply the method clinicians Hew Len . I said before that email , ' I 'm sorry and I love you . ' Then I suddenly felt calm over what I had just done . "

A few weeks after that Joe decided to follow the workshop Dr. Hew Len held . Joe finally come face to face with him . After a long chat , Hew Len says doctors are very happy with the book Joe : The Atractor Factor . The doctor said that the vibrations Joe 's book will continue to rise . People will be happy to read it .
Then Joe asked , " What about the sale of my books out there , whether it will increase as well ? "
" The books were not to be out there . " Hew doctor explained . Once again he managed to bounce thoughts with petuahnya Joe , "They are still in you . " Books that still lies within you , the doctor said Hew Len with honest and sincere .
And indeed , in the short time hard -selling book in the market because Joe did write the book with all your soul and all my LOVE .
From conversations with doctors Hew Len , Joe said ,
" That to fix anything in our lives , including repairing the world , then there is only one place to be seen : namely ourselves .... " he said .
" When you see it , then look at it with LOVE . " He continued .

Thus inspiring story of a free book given to me Joe , The Atractor Factor . Impression after reading it really deep and powerful . The words and the story is so inspiring .
And I also carry the main message of the story over into the world of writing that I wrestled. That I have to fix yourself first before you want to change the world by writing . I have to love yourself before other people loved . I have to clean the negative intentions when writing . I must be honest in writing and does not violate the code of ethics of writing as not citing people with an honest opinion .
If you want to fix your world , then you have to love yourself , you have to fix yourself . If you want to heal others then there should heal yourself first from dirty thoughts and intentions .
If you want to attract a lot of advantages of writing into your life , both material and meaningful gains , then you should address the issue inside yourself first .
When you want to publish an article or a book , ask yourself :
§ Is the content of this article is really from my heart ? or ,
§ Does this article come from my experience ? or ,
§ Is this article already contains useful knowledge ? or ,
§ Is the language easy to understand ? or ,
§ Does my writing can inspire me to improve myself ?
And that's one of the earliest to know how to write a book that is good and right .
If you are writing a lot of benefits for you , it will definitely be beneficial also for some people , or even a lot of people out there . But if you 're not sure of your writing , how others will be shaken or gain knowledge from there .
This is also true as you read a good book or book a best seller , you feel writing it attracted the attention of your thoughts and feelings . This may be caused by writing truly born of sincerity author to share the best of him .

When you write from the heart with LOVE most in , then there will be a lot of people will gain knowledge from it . Or there will be many people who would change and improve himself . And the more people who would like to have your book of course .

The bonus book Atractor Factor Joe Vitale has given to me has catapulted me to constantly improve myself before fixing others . He has motivated me to continue to write well and be a great writer . Thank you .

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